This 6 months journey has taking to me to Switzerland, India and Back. But I’m back with a new out look on many things. I loved these last six months and God has really used them to be life changing.
Lecture Phase ( the 3months in Switzerland) was so amazing. My relationship with God was totally changed and I felt this love from God that I have never felt before. He became my best friend and the love of my life. Everyday I couldn’t wait to learn more about him and talk to him more. In lecture phase I also went through some hard times and God always showed me his love that is indescribable. I learned that God is a personal God, and although I am here on this earth to serve him, he is not interested in prisoners he is interested in a 2 way relationship, and that is something that I experienced in Switzerland that I will stay with me forever. God is never changing so he has always had this unconditional love, I just needed to open my eyes and realize it, and in the future when I go though hard times again, it isn’t like God leaves me or loves me less, it is me who changes. Looking back I remember saying that I wanted to devote this time to God, where I could get away from school, family , friends, work, and just the worries of the day and give all my attention to God. These 3 months I was really able to do that. Of course new distractions came up but my main focus was always getting to know God on this deeper level.
I had so much fun in Switzerland too! I loved being in a room with girls from New Zealand, Canada, Korea, France, and Norway. All the people that I met from this DTS are amazing and I have made friendships that will last a life time. Skiing on the Swiss alps was such a great time! I’m so thankful that I learned how to ski better, because at first I wasn’t the best, but now I truly miss it.
Outreach was an adventure; I saw and did things I could never image. India was very intense. It was very dirty, with slums and homeless people and beggars every where you go. There is also hundreds of God in India, some are even tress and cows and so there are many many temples everywhere, at least 3 on every street. So it is a nation that could use all the help it can get. My favorite place was Calcutta because that was the poorest place we stayed, and I really loved helping out at Mother Theresa’s home and spending time with Slum families. I also had so many chances to talk about my faith and my relationship with God, so something that I can tell that I really grew in is that I have become more comfortable talking about my faith and more confident when I speak weather it is in one on one with someone or in a big group. Something I also learned about myself on outreach is I love being with people that.. Well that it wouldn’t be normal for people to hang out with them. I love being with the slum people, the homeless, the physically disabled , orphans, AIDS and Leprosy victims… there is something about them that I just love and I love sitting with them and loving them. I think also because a lot of people don’t come and sit with them, they have all this love for you when you do! And its beautiful.
This whole YWAM experience was the best 6 months of my life. But for me it doesn’t stop there, this wasn’t just an experience…. It was the start of an adventure, and that adventure is following Jesus. I would love to continue to serve him in overseas missions, which is where my heart is.
I just want to say Thank you, truly thank you. Thank you to everyone who read my blogs and gave me encouragement. To everyone who support me. To everyone who supported me finically. To everyone who prayed for me. To everyone who has been involved is somewhere, thank you so much it has meant the world to me to have support!
WHATS NEXT: On August 11th I will be traveling to New York, where I will be a camp counselor at a summer camp called Camp Heartland ( ) It is a camp for children who have AIDS, and it is summer camp where they can just go and have a fun time at summer camp. The camp will be 2 weeks long.
God, for some reason.. has broken my heart with this Issue of AIDS. Especially what is happen over in Africa where 5,500 African die everyday because of AIDS, and where there are 12 millions orphans because of this disease. Also in Sub – Saharan Africa there are 300,000 million people who don’t have access to clean water. So Africa was been placed on my heart and is where I would like my next trip to be.
P.s I will continue to update this blog and share about my crazy adventures follow Jesus…. if your interested :)
Love and Be Loved.