Sorry I haven’t made an update in a long time, I have just felt so busy! I have been learning so much that it is even hard for me to processes all the information, so then trying to sit down and write it in a blog, takes a really long time for me to do! It is week 7 now and my brain and my heart and just my emotions are on over load… you learn all this information and then that information leads to transformation.. so it can get kind of crazy. But I love telling you all what I’m learning and what is going on so I’m going to try and update more often!
Anyways I was looking through my blogs that I have posted and I haven’t really told you about any of the lecture times! A.K.A class that I have everyday! So here are some of the speakers that we had, each speaker we have for a week. So I shall tell you who the speakers were, what they taught on, and some major points that I received from their teachings! How exciting.. are you ready to learn?!?!?!
Paul- taught on God’s Character
- God is a personal God, which means he is a person… which means I need to start treating him like one. He created us to have a the enjoyment of having a personal relationship with us.. Therefore lets make it enjoyable for him! For example when it comes to mine and Lauren’s friendship, if she talked all the time and I couldn’t even get one word in, I would get really annoyed. God likes when we pray to him… but I wonder if he gets annoyed if we just pray for hours and then at the end say amen and don’t listen to anything he has to say?!?!?!
- “As a prisoner of the Lord, then, I urge you to live a life worthy of the calling you have received.” Ephesians 4:1…. What is our calling? Our calling it to walk in intimate friendship with God.
- “Where He leads, He will feed.” God isn’t going to call me to become a lawyer and then not provide the money for law school. He isn’t going to call me to be a missionary, where I have no salary, and then not provided the money for me to eat.
Dan Sneed- taught on identity
- This was the week I wrote that blog- “Fearing God” so I defiantly learned a lot this week. I learned who I am in Christ, and what the means and what that looks like. I really searched my heart this week, and during my quite times with God he really revealed to me the passions that he has placed on my heart and how he wants me to serve Him.
- Obedience= you do exactly what you are told to do, therefore we obey God. Honor= a heart issue, therefore we honor people on earth, But we obey God.
- “I pray that your life will be as wonderful as it was in God’s mind when he created you.”
- Dan use to work in a drug rehab. On time this 21 year old man came in named Rich. He was very brain dead because he has done sooo many drugs. He couldn’t even put his first and last name together.. that is how bad it was… so his brain was very gone. One of the workers there had an idea, they should start reading the bible to Rich everyday. Dan thought this lady wasn’t thinking straight because Rich was already way to far gone to come back to normal. But Dan said ya the volunteer students can read the bible to him because then the volunteer students will be studying the word everyday. To everyone surprise, Rich started to memorize what the volunteers were reading to him, and then he started to put his last and first name together. A year and a half after he entered this drug rehab, he left and went to Stanford University! Now he works with the US government, helping run a drug rehab program. Isn’t it crazy to think that the word of God to change someone whose brain was almost completely dead! Imagine if someone with a healthy brain read the bible everyday, or maybe just read it with expectancy that all the words are true.
Yan- taught on Evangelism
- There is no one way to do evangelism and you don’t do evangelism, you live it.
- “Serving a worldly king is such and honor, but why do we consider it a sacrifice to serve the heavenly king?”
- This week I learned so much! Yan did a lot of exercises/games with us.. One of them was we had to share our testimony(life story of how we became a Christian) But we couldn’t use any church words/ Christian words… because if you are telling your testimony to a non Christian who has never gone to church, they are never going to know what you are talking about if you use all these fancy church words.
- Another game we played- we all got in a huge circle in the room, and then Yan was going to take on a role of a person (one time he was a guy trying to hit on a girl, one time he was gay, and one time he was a really nervous guy that didn’t talk much) So then the setting was that we were all at a bus station.. And Yan was these random people, and we were ourselves. Yan was going to come up to one of us in the circle and just start talking like we were waiting for the same bus. They trick was we had to some how turn the conversation to God, but as soon as Yan lost interest in the conversation he would say Good bye. Get it? sorry its kind of confusing, but the point was…trying to talk to strangers (like people you met at the bus stop) about God with out freaking them out. It was really good to watch, because one guy in my class was picked to play and so the conversation started and then the guy invited Yan to a youth group and Yan didn’t know what a youth group was, so my classmate started to explain it, and Yan said Good bye! Ha I would have left too because if I was a non Christian and someone started explain to me a corny youth group I would be freaked out.
- Then we put all we learned into practice and went into down town Lausanne. We went to make people smile and share Gods love. So we had balloon animals to give out to the little kids, and then Yan said if you have a good conversation about God that would be great, but just love on people. But obviously we had just had this whole week learning on how to evangelism, so we were all super excited/ kind of nervous to try it out!! It was really cool my team was able to talk to a couple people about God in a causal way. But other teams went into some deep conversations and a lot of people even prayed for the people they had just met!! How cool!
Brad- taught on Hearing God’s Voice
- This week was insane! And really fun. I thought hearing from God would be a lot harder than it actually is. So it was exciting because God spoke to me so much this week. Well he is always speaking but this week I really opened my heart and my ears.
- We did a lot of exercises this week too.. one we played in out outreach teams. So I has 7 people in my group and the game was we were all sitting at a table and one person was the picker, and everyone would close their eyes and the picker person would chose someone.. but know one knows who the chosen one is besides the picker and the person chosen. So then every takes time to listen to God and says God want do you want to tell this person today or what is a picture you want me to tell them about.. So you just talk to God about this person… but you have no idea who the person ( the one chosen) is, but that is ok God does. And then you share the information you received and at the end you find out who the chosen person was. Because when you know who the person is- for example if someone told me to get a word from God for my sister Lindsey it would be so easy, because I already know Lindsey and know her strengths and stuff. So this is a good exercise when practicing to hear God’s voice because you don’t know who are receiving information for so you can’t put your own thoughts into because you already know the person. During the game I was picked, therefore I knew I was the one that was being prayed for but everyone just knew they were praying for someone in the room. On of my friends Josh said “for some reason I get all these Christian songs that are coming to me head, and God just wants me to tell you that he loves the way you worship him.” To make sense of that during class, I have a notebook in which all I do is doddle worship songs! And one of my other friends before had said, that is really cool that I do that because it is like I’m always in a mind set of worship, and I was like sure whatever, its just something to do during lecture if I get bored!! Josh didn’t know I was the person he was praying for, and he didn’t even know that I doodled worship songs in my notebook! But here is God showing him all these Christian songs and telling him to tell this person that he enjoys their worship! I think that is pretty darn cool. And stuff like this happened everyday this week!!!! It was such an awesome week
And I have a lot more that I’m learning and that God is showing me! But this blog is getting a kind of long! So I shall update again soon!
1 comment:
Wow Les thats soo cool that your wrote out I know what is just a tiny sliver of what you've learned and I know what u mean about a lot of info at once, and you need some processing time.. but seriously Thanks for doing this, because yeah some of the main points us wrote really encouraged me, and made me think about somethings with my relationship w/ God, and yeah I just was thinking like were going to have like a DTS 2 when we get home when we teach each other what we learned and AH all Such good stuff, I CANT WAIT!!! :O) YWAM BRADENTON!! haha its going to be pretty much AMAzing!
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