Friday, March 7, 2008

Some Stuff to Think About....
- Why don't more people talk about this?? Maybe i'm just really uneducated but this week is the first time i have ever heard about the way North Korea lives. People that live there can't even leave ther country, and no one can go in unless they have a guide with thme 24/7.

These past 2 months God has really given me a burdn for these communist countries like Cuba and North Korea... i jsut can'e believe this could happen in our world today, i mean i'm in switzerland and i'm going to go to India in 3 weeks, and these people in North Korea don't know/ won't know anything besides living in North Korea. What is even worse is that people can't get into North Korea to preach the gosple... but actually who says you can't. Do you know taht 1/3 of the world is closed to the gospel, but who closed that 1/3?? God didn't, because it is still open to him. Because in the bible it says go into the whole world and preach the gospel, it doesn't say... only go into the parts that are politically correct... no, God wants us to still go there, because those are his sons and daughters Jesus followers, we better start thinking of a way to get into North Korea.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh my word! CRAZY ur thinking about this, b/c I've heard a lot about N. Korea and communists countries in Post modernism week and before that.. you should seriously look up Bhutan and see how said it is there, its the 5th most persecuted country in the world today and its crazy hearing about what goes on over there.. I just read stuff on the topic your talking about from irresitible revolution... Very true and insane to think about that God tells us to go, he doesn't say well if its safe and your protected by the govt. but yeah I will talk to u more about this on sat my time sun your time hopefully!! Email me back to tell me if our us. time works. LOVE YOU! :O)