Sunday, February 10, 2008

I am going to....

“The poor do not need our sympathy and our pity. The poor need our love and compassion and our help." Mother Teresa

I’M GOING TO NORTH INDIA!! ( Calcutta and New Delhi)

Funny story……..I was really nervous before they announced the locations… Because I was just sitting there talking to God saying, “Seriously God, what if two of the choices are Africa and India!?!? I don’t think I could choose between the two!!” Because I have such a desire to go to both!!!! So then it was time for them to show us the locations, they showed them in a power point presentation…South India, North India, Egypt and Sudan, and Eastern Europe… and i was like omg Calcutta! I could not believe that was one of my choices because I would love to go there because I know It is really poor and Mother Teresa lived and worked there! So I went on a walk with God and I told him- God tell me if you don’t want me to go there… because that is really where I want to go but I will go wherever you want me to go… but I could not get Calcutta out of my head!!! And I just had such a peace about it!

So I turned in my paper with the first choice North Indian and then the Second choice I said I don’t really have one but maybe South India. And after I turned in my paper I was talking to my friend Claire about out reach and she said, “I think you chose, Africa or India” and I said, “Ya I choose Ind… wait what?!?!?! Africa wasn’t a choice!!” And she was like ya Sudan and Egypt are in Africa!! Ok I so confused because I knew Sudan was in Africa! But I was so confused… why didn’t I realize that when I was praying about where to go for outreach. I wasn’t upset at all I just smiled and laughed because I’m pretty sure God did that on purpose!! Like he totally blinded me from Afirca… it is like that verse… “Delight yourself in the Lord and he will give you the desires of you heart.” he knows what my heart deisres and where I belong, and if I would have known Africa was a choice I would have been so confused on which one to pick!! Oh M G I just think it is funny! I Love God.


Unknown said...

ahahah your all bubbly

Anonymous said...

AHH I love that story, I told a lot of people here that! They thought it was so cool, And yeah that God works in some CrAzy ways! YAY YOUR GOING TO INDIA :O)