Go- eun, Claire, Me, Susha taking a break from skiing

This week during class we sang a song in 5 different languages and then later I had someone pray for me in Spanish. Being here and hearing all the different languages has really opened my eyes…. How many people can I tell about Jesus if I can only speak English?!?! So I have a really new desire to study different languages…Also isn’t it just crazy to think that God understand every language! And there is what like a million and one!
This weekend was Insane!! The Mountain that we ski on had this 10th annual 24 hour race to raise money for charity… there were over 100 teams in the race, there were so many people! Anyways so our DTS helped volunteer at it this event Saturday and Sunday. We were all broken up in teams in which we all had different volunteering times. Saturday I skied all day…. Which I can not believe how much I am improving! Because seriously I was about to give up on skiing the first day, I fell.. umm like 100 times! Anyways so then Saturday night was so cool they had a live concert and the ski race ran right in front of the stage, which was so cool because these people go insanely fast and there was all this loud music so it was just a fun combination!! Then it came to go to sleep.. All the volunteers were staying in a bomb shelter which was a very new interesting experience. Then I had to wake up at 3:30am to do my volunteer shift... I have never been so cold! It was really neat though because I got to work at this stand where I served the skiers hot tea and to my surprise a lot of them spoke English J Therefore I got to ask them how the race was going, and if they got to sleep at all, and a lot of people asked me where I was from and such so I got to tell them why I was here! ( ya know that the whole YWAM thing J)
Sunday morning was beautiful, I had to volunteer just until 8am and then I got to see the sunrise over the mountains and it finally started to warm up. After volunteering we skied the whole day which is seriously such and awesome thing that we are able to do while we are here at DTS. Up in those mountains, is seriously the most gorgeous place to seek after Gods heart and just pray and talk to him. Today for example - The runs that we ski on are pretty long so about half way down 2 girls and myself just sat down on the side of the mountain and just prayed for a little bit. The weather was so nice today I just skied in a sweatshirt and snow pants.. and to all those people who said I would be pasty white( my family especially)… you actually get a really nice tan/burn from the sun reflecting of the snow! J It is hard not to miss home… but being here… I couldn’t imagine being anywhere else right now!
Class starts again Monday so I’m so excited to share with you guys all that I learn!
Oh ya and I started to read my first book assignment it is called, “Forever Ruined for the Ordinary” and I’m really excited because the first line is… Have you ever said “If only I could hear God’s Voice I would do whatever he told me to do.”
P.S look at Lauren’s Blog..Maui looks awesome! http://LaurenMaui.blogspot.com
Hello Lova... sorry i never got a chance to talk to you before you left...life has been crazy, but anywhose... im soooooo happy for you and that you made it there safely (keep that up! ...the safety that is)looks like ur having an amazing time and i just wanted to quick tell you that im so proud of you and what your doing, its so extreamly selfless! your amazing!! I love you and I'm praying for you!!! MWAA!
Leslie I am soooo proud of you. I'm still thinking about you and lauren during everyday probably more than I should be. haha. It looks so cold!!!!! I love you and I love reading about how much time you get to spend with God, no interupptions. Please keep us updated on that book thing you are reading....because I seem to say that first sentence a lot...we love you and are SO happy for you!!!
I just tried commenting but i guess it didnt work.. anywho im glad you brought a little me and catholic central to the slopes (the soccer sweatshirt).. finally someones putting it to good use! I'll email you other stuff...
love you
Im leaving a comment.
Hey Girl,
So very happy for you and proud of you. Covering you in prayer every day. All that skiing is just not fair...I'm jealous...Especially that you get to spend so much time with Jesus. Just like my song, "Sunday Blues". Keep us posted of all that you are doing and learning, and those incredible pictures coming. Sending hugs and kisses,
Aww you and your friend claire look adorable in your chocolate picture!! I cant believe u bought that many bars!! That would be SOO cool to work at that 24 hour race thing, even though those bomb shelters remind me of concentration camps... um yeah we started lecture...one word.. AMAZING!! and we found out our outreach places..check out my blog!! LOVE YOU!! miss you!!lets talk on skype sometime...
lesssllllieeee... CREME PUFFFFFFF.
so i didn't realize how muuch i missed you until classes started again and i was walking to 3rd and you and Lauren were not there to talk with me!!! I was like hey.. this isnt right, im in class and they are in switzerland and Hawaii!
haha. but i am soo excited to see how much fun you are having, and how much God is working in your life.
i love you girl!
i miss you!
i will see you in June!
but im praying for you!
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