I have one life. That's all. I was made for God. I'm not going to waste it.
Friday, January 11, 2008
Picture time!!
This was takenwhenwewere just taking a walk :)
MyKoreanfriendYoungBumand me...P.S i alwaysgivethepeacesignandhereitmeanslikevictory, like "i win" so i needtogetoutofthehabbitofdoingitbecausewhen i doittofrenchpeopletheylookatme all crazy
Meand all ofmybags!
Myroomates- SilijefromNorwayandDebbiefromNewZeland... just takingsomefunnypictures
OMW THATS HALARIOUS about the peace sign thing, I was laughing so hard, because you said that you should stop doing that, and then you have another picture at the end with a peace sign! BUT OMW that looks gorgeous there!! The town is sooo cute!!
Hey Thanks for reading my blog. This blog is my life as a Christ Follower. Here you will read about my experience at YWAM (youth with a mission) I was in Switzerland for 3 months, where I learned more about my faith and fell in love with Jesus Christ. Then I went to North India for 3 months, where we showed God’s love to the Indian people. Now my 6 month journey with YWAM is over… what now?? I keep going! God has giving me a heart for overseas missions, and I’m determined to follow that calling. My heart it for the poor, the broken, the homeless, the AIDS victims, the orphans... the people and children who feel unloved.. I want to love them with God’s love. Right now I’m back in Florida, trying to save up money for my next adventure following God: Africa… However being in Florida is an adventure in its self. Keep reading to find out why I’m so crazy in love with this man named Jesus and why I will stop for nothing to follow him.
My E-mail is: Leslieann08@msn.com
OMW THATS HALARIOUS about the peace sign thing, I was laughing so hard, because you said that you should stop doing that, and then you have another picture at the end with a peace sign! BUT OMW that looks gorgeous there!! The town is sooo cute!!
The picture with the bags looks hilarious!!! hahahaha.
it was cracking my junk up.
and it is seriously soo beautiful there.
I miss you! but im glad to see your having fun!
I love you!
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